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Undercover Atheist Takes Christian College Apologetics Class: Lesson 4

If you’ve been following my rather tumultuous experience being an “undercover” atheist taking Apologetics 101, then you’ll know it’s been a rough ride. My professor tends to teach his opinions as facts, make up completely unfounded statistics, and give a lot of plain wrong or illogical information.

If you want to catch up on Apologetics 101, you can read Lesson 1, Lesson 2, and Lesson 3. In Lesson 3, I talked about an entire lecture that my teacher had devoted to humanism—or rather, his distorted, unbelievably twisted version of it. So what did I do about this? I wrote an entire 9-page term paper all about what secular humanism really is. I included real sources (from Christians and humanists) and actual studies backing my statistics, which I don’t see as too glamorous or surprising, considering that that’s how research, teaching, and learning should be. But, as we know, my professor never does either of those things.

So, it appears that Apologetics 101: Lesson 4 is indeed me teaching my teacher. The paper is just informational and not at all persuasive like the last paper that I shared with you. And before you say anything: I know he’s not going to listen. But I had to say something.

Apologetics 101 Term Paper: Secular Humanism

*Also, yes, I know this is written kind of from a Christian perspective in the beginning and in the end. I’m still going by the Christian facade when I have to; plus, trying to tie it into apologetics made it applicable enough to actually write about for this class. But at least my ultimate advice to the apologists is to. . . well, you’ll just have to read it to find out, won’t you!

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