Nonfiction November 2022: New to My TBR

Nonfiction November 2022: New to My TBR

A wise woman once said, “[November] is short but also, like, terribly and insufferably long at the same time.”

Nonfiction November started on Halloween, which I believe was about 25 years ago. Now, Thanksgiving is already over and it’s Christmas! And it’s still Nonfiction November!

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Nonfiction November 2022: Worldview Changers

Nonfiction November 2022: Worldview Changers

The time for me to host my first ever Nonfiction November prompt is finally here!

This week, I’m asking you to share the book or books that have changed the way you see the world.

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30 Books That Expose the Truth About Christian Nationalism

30 Books That Expose the Truth About Christian Nationalism

Christian Nationalism, or the malicious use of Christianity as a weapon to strip people of their liberty, is a poison to American democracy. Alarmingly, more than one in three Americans have never even heard of Christian Nationalism. This frequently-updated list of Christian Nationalism books by a full-time advocate for church-state separation will help you and your community understand the crucial facts surrounding this issue. Only when we all fight this insidious system together can we achieve true religious freedom.

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Nonfiction November 2022: Book Pairing (with Documentaries)

Nonfiction November 2022: Book Pairing (with Documentaries)

When I’m not reading, there’s a good chance I’m watching a documentary. I’m using Nonfiction November’s Week 2 prompt, Book Pairing, as an excuse to share my favorites with you!

Here’s the prompt from Rennie of What’s Nonfiction?:

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Does Abortion Harm Women? A Review of The Turnaway Study

Does Abortion Harm Women? A Review of The Turnaway Study

In 2007, Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy, writing the majority opinion upholding a ban on one abortion procedure performed later in pregnancy, seized an opportunity to weigh in on the emotional and mental state of women who have abortions. He wrote, “While we find no reliable data to measure the phenomenon, it seems unexceptionable to conclude some women come to regret their choice to abort the infant life they once created and sustained. Severe depression and loss of esteem can follow.” Clearly, in 2007, there was a serious need for reliable data on the consequences of abortion.

Diana Greene Foster, The Turnaway Study, p. 4
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Nonfiction November 2022: Your Year in Nonfiction

Nonfiction November 2022: Your Year in Nonfiction

Nonfiction November is finally here! I love Nonfiction November because I get to share my love of nonfiction with the rest of the book blogging community and somehow end up with even more books on my never-ending to-read and to-buy lists.

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When Christian Nationalists Control the Court: A Review of American Crusade

When Christian Nationalists Control the Court: A Review of American Crusade

If I could summarize Andrew Seidel’s new book American Crusade: How the Supreme Court is Weaponizing Religious Freedom in one word, I would say it is difficult. At times it is difficult to comprehend due to legal jargon (even after the author purposely trimmed the fat, so to speak) but it is immensely difficult to stomach. This was a book I had to read slowly and take plenty of breaks from. It wasn’t a fun book, and it wasn’t intended to be.

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It’s Almost Nonfiction November, the Best Time of Year

It’s Almost Nonfiction November, the Best Time of Year

I am so beyond excited to announce that in a few short weeks, Nonfiction November will be back, and with a brand new host: me!

I participated in Nonfiction November last year in my own quirky way by completing all of the though-provoking prompts in a single post, but in 2022 I’m doing it the way it’s meant to be done, one week at a time. And more than that, I’m hosting week 4!

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36 Crucial Quotes from Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist

36 Crucial Quotes from Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist

If you have read Ibram X. Kendi’s bestseller How to Be an Antiracist, then you know that it is an absolute must-read. Kendi clearly explains why and how racism is sustained—and how it affects every group of people in dozens of intersecting ways—and he uses these facts to demonstrate how to dismantle it. While I definitely recommend that you read the entire book, here are some of my favorite quotes.

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I Did All of the Nonfiction November Prompts at Once

I Did All of the Nonfiction November Prompts at Once

Even though Nonfiction November has been around for eight years and I have been writing nonfiction book reviews for four, I’ve never thought to participate in this nonfiction-loving event until now. It’s structured with five prompts: one per week, each hosted by a different book blogger. Because I post no more and no fewer than one post a week, and don’t want to miss out on posting my usual content in November, I decided to do them all at once! Or maybe it’s because I am simply a rebel. I think it’s a little bit of both.

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