Israel/Palestine and the Queer International by Sarah Schulman

Queer Palestine’s white savior: a book review of Israel/Palestine and the Queer International by Sarah Schulman

After spending an afternoon last week protesting Donald Trump’s second inauguration in a wind chill of zero degrees Fahrenheit, I find myself thinking back to Pride last summer.

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The Right Way to Be Bisexual: A Review of Bi

The Right Way to Be Bisexual: A Review of Bi

I was so thrilled to discover Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality by Julia Shaw last Nonfiction November. My shelves desperately needed some color, and I’d never heard of any other books specifically focusing on bisexuality.

After reading it, I’m wondering if my fellow bisexual readers would be better off without Shaw’s bi guide. She wrote it simply because it “didn’t exist,” so now the only new popular book dedicated to bisexuality is, in my opinion, not that great.

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