3 Erroneous Anti-Roe Arguments from the Latest Congressional Hearings

3 Erroneous Anti-Roe Arguments from the Latest Congressional Hearings

I couldn’t begin to tell you why I did this, but I spent 11 hours this week watching the live streams of the US House and Senate’s discussions of the impact of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I thought I’d at least make it not a complete waste of time by turning it into a blog post.

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How Crisis Pregnancy Centers Lie to You for Free

How Crisis Pregnancy Centers Lie to You for Free

Anti-abortion activists have a wealth of tools in their belt beyond just Bibles and money. One of their greatest tools is faux compassion, a practice that gestates at their notoriously grimy crisis pregnancy centers. These centers lure in people seeking abortions only to try and persuade them into carrying their pregnancies to term.

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A group of people flipping off a blockaded Supreme Court on June 24th, 2022

10 Things You Can Do for Abortion Access Right Now

This is an extremely heavy time. In last week’s post, I said that this was not the time to give up. Of course, we all need time to grieve, process, and rest, but we don’t have time to stop. And even more importantly, we can’t only fight using the short-term adrenaline from learning that Roe was overturned. Fighting for only one week is performative and not helpful. We must balance the urgency of this moment with the fact that if we want our actions to have any real impact, then they must be long-term.

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Grove City College’s White Supremacy Spreads to the LCMS

Grove City College’s White Supremacy Spreads to the LCMS

On May 2nd, 2022, I had the honor of being a featured writer with an above-the-fold story on OnlySky Media. While I was proud to be featured, I could not have been less proud of the subject of my article: my alma mater, Grove City College. (The Roe v. Wade draft opinion leaked later that same day, so my fame was short-lived. But it did happen.)

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How Toxic Masculinity and Patriarchy Affect Atheists

How Toxic Masculinity and Patriarchy Affect Atheists

One of the most notable traits of the white evangelical church today is the rampant, toxic patriarchal sexism. It is one of the many reasons that so many people, including women, are leaving the church. Notably, many women who leave their toxic churches stay religious or spiritual, but I’m not talking about them today. I’m talking about women, men, and atheism.

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28 Pro-Choice Books That Uncover the Truth About Abortion

28 Pro-Choice Books That Uncover the Truth About Abortion

I believe that reading is a form of activism, that knowledge is power, and that an open mind makes for a better world. This applies to the topic of abortion just as it does for everything else. Thus, I’ve compiled a list of what I think are the best books to introduce you to what people actually mean when we say that abortion is a good thing and a necessary human right.

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Book Review: Reproductive Justice: An Introduction by Loretta J. Ross and Rickie Solinger

Book Review: Reproductive Justice: An Introduction by Loretta J. Ross and Rickie Solinger

Everyone knows that access to abortion is a critical human rights issue. The potential overturning of Roe v. Wade is more than unconstitutional, it’s inhumane. An unjust human rights violation. But the worst part? As many activists have said, it’s the floor, not the ceiling, of reproductive justice. That’s where Loretta J. Ross and Rickie Solinger’s Reproductive Justice: An Introduction becomes crucial to understanding what that ceiling might look like.

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On Being Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion, and Pro-Reproductive Justice

On Being Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion, and Pro-Reproductive Justice

For years I have proudly identified as a pro-choice feminist. As Roe v. Wade is effectively being overturned state-by-state, I’ve begun to educate myself more on the history of abortion while I’ve become more outspoken in defense of women’s rights. Ironically, it has been this journey that has made me begin to question whether pro-choice is the right identity for me.

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14 Ways to Advocate for Social Justice Without a Social Media Following

14 Ways to Advocate for Social Justice Without a Social Media Following

If you’re like me, your eyes are opened to more and more of the injustices in our world every day. And if you’re like me, you wish that there was something that you can do about them. I read a lot of books on social justice, but the books always warn, “Just reading isn’t actually doing anything. You’ll have to take what you’ve learned and put it into action.” It’s always scary. I have no idea how to do that.

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